What is the malt?

Particular phases of the malting process


130 kg of barley


The barley is steeped for several days


There is a green malt at the end of the germination process


100 kg of standard malt

Beer production

From the barley to the beer

Beer production diagram

Malt production

From the barley to the malt

From the barley to the malt - diagram

Kilned and roasted malts’ production diagram

Kilned and roasted malts’ production diagram - diagram

Malting plant

Sladovna Tábor

Valdenská 524/2, 390 02 Tábor, Czech republic

Malting Plant - Tábor



1. Railway transport
The most common means of malt transport on the Continent. For the transport of loose malt, we use special vehicles for cereals which can be loaded up to 50 t, according to the type of vehicle.

2. Truck transport
The most progressive means of transport. Truck transport is mainly used for customers who cannot or do not wish to receive malt in wagons; it is also used if a just-in-time system is arranged with the customer. Loose malt is transported mainly in special silo trucks (tanks) that can accomodate around 25 t of malt.

3. Containers
Containers are used mainly for deliveries to distant customers, especially for overseas tranport. The advantage is easy manipulation with the container and the wide range of container transport services available all around the world. n Czech and Moravian malt houses, the malt is mainly loaded loose into containers, but the loading of malt in sacks is no exception. We usually load 20 containers with more than 17 t of malt.


Bulk Loading
At present, bulk malt forms more than 95 % of our malt supplies. In the malt house, the malt is freely loaded onto the transport and unloaded directly onto a silo prepared by the customer. Bulk malt can be transported in wagons, trucks, containers or in greater volumes on river or sea ships. The advantage of such transportation is optimum utilization of the capacity of the carrier, and more effective malt storage and manipulation of the malt in the brewery. However, to stock bulk malt, the customer has to have available the corresponding storage capacities in - silos.

Bags represent the traditional packing materials for malt deliveries. At present, for deliveries of Czech malt, we usually use polypropylene bags with polyethylene insets with a capacity of 50 kg net weight, which ensure sufficient protection against impacts. Bags are used mainly for destinations with no reloading device or lacking in a device for the storage of loose malt. The disadvantage is complicated and labourious manipulation, and greater demands on the storage capacity.

Export countries

Export countries